Back Pain and Sciatica Treatment by Dr Allen’s Device is Barrier for Coronavirus

Sciatica and back pain relief can be reached by using Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s device, by means of body’s own heat treatment. This unique therapy eliminates the ongoing trigger – hypothermia in the affected area of the spine or around the sciatic nerve. Dr Allen’s device reduces swelling, pressure within the affected tissue, eliminating the cause of chronic pain.

For the first time, a healing method uses the energy of your own body to relieve pain.

An article published in the official journal of the International Society for Personalized Medicine: “Personalized care using thermo-balancing therapy can help men with chronic prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain,” explains how Dr Allen’s Device reduces pain in the lower back. The same method is used when people wear Dr Allen’s Device to treat upper spine pain and sciatica.

This innovative Thermobalancing therapy with Dr Allen’s device was patented in the USA, which is an acknowledgement of its uniqueness. Furthermore, Dr Allen’s Device is a class 1 medical device, therefore every person can use it day and night without worrying, as the device cannot harm.

Conventional treatments for sciatica and chronic back pain

Drug therapy for pain relief cannot reach the painful area. For example, conventional sciatica treatment does not improve the condition around the sciatic nerve.

Opioid drugs are the most common treatment for chronic pain, including sciatica and upper back pain. Opioid dependence and overdose have skyrocketed, becoming a full-fledged public health problem, which is why healthcare professionals believe their use should be limited. However, this does not happen.

People with chronic pain who take opioid medications can also suffer from constipation, nausea, itching, dizziness, etc.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, acetaminophen, anticonvulsants, and others also have serious side effects and can cause serious health problems, such as gastroenterological and cardiovascular events.

Various operations to relieve pain can lead to irreversible complications, so they are used as a last resort. The article “Long-term results of lumbar spinal stenosis: the results of eight years of research on the results of a patient’s spinal column” demonstrates the lesser advantages of surgery as a treatment for the spine than therapeutic interventions.

Thus, conventional treatments for sciatica and chronic back pain are painkillers, which do not treat the affected area.

Benefits of using Dr Allen’s Device for back pain treatment

The main benefit of using Dr Allen’s Device is its effectiveness device that allows people with chronic pain stay away from drugs. The efficacy of Thermobalancing therapy has been confirmed by 10 years of successful work in the market and reliable medical data from clinical controlled studies.

A scientific article: Innovative Thermobalancing therapy and Dr Allen’s Device for the first time employ body energy to treat chronic prostatic diseases effectively, explains that Dr Allen’s Device stores the body’s natural heat and continuously monitors the temperature of the affected area, improving its condition and relieving symptoms.

The use of Thermobalancing natural treatment at home helps with social distancing by avoiding hospital visits and therefore minimizing contact with people infected with the virus. People should remember that the virus mostly spreads when someone breathes, speaks, coughs or sneezes, and tiny droplets are released into the air.

Dr Allen’s Device for sciatica and back pain easy to get and use

Thermobalancing prostate treatment at home reduces hospital visits and reduces patient contact with healthcare providers, minimizing the risk of transmission during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, Dr Allen’s Device, by eliminating pain improves well-being of people and their healthy live.

Fine Treatment is a manufacturer and distributor of Dr Allen’s Device, and is a British Department for International Trade registered supplier to international buyers. Dr Allen’s Device is the most effective and economical solution in treating sciatica and back pain. The cost of a device with free Royal Mail tracking service is less than $ 200, and worldwide delivery is about 7 days.


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