What You Need to Know About Managed Detection and Response

Cybersecurity is no longer a buzz word as cyberattacks on business increases and organizationsface the challenge of finding skilled cybersecurity professionals. But this does not mean you cannot safeguard your small business from cyber attackers. Provided you understand what is expected, it is never going to take long before you finally find the solution you need.

One way to go about this is leveraging the managed detection and response (MDR) approach. MDR vendors provide services to companies and organizations aimed at improving the way they detect, threats, respond to incidents, or even monitor their IT assets. Here are some of the things you need to know about managed detection and response.

What is Managed Detection and Response?

Managed detection and response is a service aimed at helping organizations, that lack the resources, to detect threats and improve their ability to respond to them. You should, however, keep in mind managed detection and response vendors have their own set of tools and procedures in detecting and responding to threats.

Despite this, all managed detection and response offerings share a number of characteristics. For instance, MDR is more focused on threat detection rather than compliance. If this is not enough, the services are delivered using the provider’s own set of tools and technologies. Be sure to find out more about the shared characteristics before taking this route.

MDR Vs. Managed Security Services

Managed detection and response may seem similar to managed security services but there are some distinct differences between the two. First and foremost, managed detection and response only works with even logs that their own tools provide whereas managed security services work with different types of event logs and contexts.

When it comes to incident response, you only need a separate retainer with managed detection and response if you want on-site incident response. In fact, remote incident response is part of what you pay for the basic service. Things tend to be different with managed security services considering you need separate retainers for both onsite and remote incident response.


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